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Archiving my fanfics here. None of these are my original properties!
Ever After High
One Page at a Time - Rosabella introduces Daring to classic literature.
The Incredibles
Dear Sister, Your Brother - A study on Violet and Dash's dynamic.
Dropping Glasses - Violet and Bob have a disagreement on the ethics of being a Super.
Mesh and Lace - Violet and Tony reveal secrets.
Speed Limit 50 - A Dash character study.
The Right Allocations - Jack-Jack and Edna discuss his future.
Umbrella Reflex - Violet and Tony wait for their ride home from the school dance, but get interrupted by the rain.
Unwind/Rewind - Tony has a surprise for Violet on their first anniversary.
Kingdom Hearts
Bruising the Sun - Kairi trains. Slight AU where she remembers Sora after KH1.
Dried Rose Petals, Red-Brown Circles - Xehanort makes Kairi a deal.
Our Devotion's Deepest Ocean - Kairi rescues the Guardians of Light from the void before helping Sora. Unfinished.
Stay Right Here and Let the Cosmos Twirl - Kairi and Riku help Sora feel whole again.
My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic
A Butterfly in Hell - Fluttershy has a chat with Tirek in Tartarus.
Crocodile Tears - Fluttershy takes Discord to meet her mother in Cloudsdale.
Perfect Evergreens - My take on Fluttercord's wedding.
Shedding Velvet - Discord prepares to take drastic measures, and Fluttershy isn't having it.
Time is Taller than Space is Wide - Fluttershy finds herself trapped in a time loop. Fluttercord Soulmate AU.
Monster High
Control - Star Wars AU. Cleo is in a Sith apprenticeship under her father, but something doesn't feel right to her.
Five Hundred Miles - Cleuce AU where her dad owns a hotel and Deuce is there for his aunt's wedding.
Ghost in the Keys - Miscelaneous oneshots that I didn't want to publish by themselves.
Glamour and Candelabra - Cleo and Seth have an intense conversation at the top of Ptolemy Tower. Slight BYBY AU.
Lampbound - 13 Wishes AU where Whisp wins.
Marble Tears - Lagoona and Rochelle have an intense conversation in the bell tower.
Memento Mori - Cleo doesn't have much time left. Deuce is hiding something. Life is about to get a new meaning.
Merston High - Oneshots that take place in my Fixed version of the Lisi Harrison timeline.
Proof - Deuce picks Cleo up at the airport. Long distance Cleuce AU.
Secure, Contain, Look Freaky Fabulous - An SCP Foundation AU for MH.
Stormy Night High - An EAH-inspired AU where the monsters have to live out their "destinies" from their respective source materials.
Two Hundred and Thirty-One Minutes - Deuce stones Cleo so she can see his eyes. It doesn't go as planned.
The Office
In Waters Cold and Kelly Green - Kelly and Ryan run away again. This time, it's for real. Probably.
Für Lucy - An almost-typical afternoon at Schroeder's house. It stops being typical when Lucy brings up mistletoe.
You Fascinate Me - Schrucy oneshots and drabbles from various points in their lives. Ongoing and open-ended.
Scooby Doo
All In Good Time - One-word prompt drabbles for Fraphne.
Talk To Him - After the events of Stage Fright, Daphne talks to Fred.
You're My Human Holiday - Fred and Daphne comfort each other after Nibiru.
Total Drama Island
Total Drama Limbo - The Good Place AU. What if Camp Wawanakwa was purgatory?
Like a Snowflake in May - Addison falls ill and her heritage comes to light. Written pre-Zombies 2 and pre-Alien Addy.